1·The earth throws a long shadow behind the side facing the sun.
2·A single bed measuring about three feet by six feet is on one side facing a window.
3·If you are introduced in Chinese, pass your card with its Chinese-language side facing up;
4·The side of the moon facing the Earth and the side facing away have strikingly different topographies.
5·Simply fold the sheets of the paper, blank side facing up, use a paper punch and thread them together with a ribbon.
6·For the left leg, do as above, but stand with your right side facing the wall, and put your left leg behind your right.
7·In order to facilitate the laying of pumping air bubbles and stick with the cells, place the frosted side facing cells.
8·Sometimes, the side facing the Earth is the day side, and other times it is the night side: this is why we observe moon phases.
9·By roasting the fish vertically with the open side facing the fire, the oil seeps into the ashes, leaving salted, seasoned fish meat.
10·On the side facing the garden, there is a bedroom for guests and a party room or fitness room which is focused to the outside terrace.